My very first post on this blog mentioned the fact, that as the Lord has been reforming our family in many ways, we also felt He was leading us to change our living arrangements. From "city" life to a more simple, self-sufficient "country" way of living.
The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful home, much bigger home than we had dreamed or imagined, and much more land than we thought we would be able to afford. With the housing market as it is, we were able to purchase a home/land we would never have been able to several years ago.
There are so many miraculous steps the Lord led us on to the purchase of this home, and we can truly say, we KNOW we are right where HE would have us to be. Such peace and comfort comes from know we are in the right place and we now hope to use this house and land to bring glory to Him.
We are searching & praying for a name for our land. We want the name to show our gratitude to the Lord and our dreams of making this land give Him glory. I'll let ya know what we come up with!
And, I will post before and after pics as we spent about a month and a half making some changes before we moved in.
Soli Deo Gloria!
I am so excited for and rejoice with you. Often we work so hard on being content with whatever that we forget how much BIGGER and Grander God thinks than we do. He sees the whole picture and can make things happen that we would never even dream of. So wonderful when he reminds us of that:)